
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Huckleberry Lane at the Farm Chics Show

After weeks of hard work, getting rained off the farm and wondering if the show was going to be postponed, we finally had everything set up in a warehouse (brrrrrrr) for a weekend show.  Since we'd never actually run a whole booth at a show (we've only put in furniture at previous shows) we had no idea if we had enough pretties to make the whole look pleasing to the eye, but after setting up we were really surprised at how much we really did have.  Whew!   All was done...or so we thought!  Then the show started and the people began to flow in, lots of them.  It was such a delight talking and getting to know some dear people throughout the two days and meeting some of you who watch our blog on a regular basis, thank you and per your request, we'll get more on the blog soon!!!  

Overall, it was a great show for us and as a result we are in another show as I write this.  Homespun Gift Company Spring Show.  35283 Riverside Dr. Albany, OR Thursday, April 11th 10-6,  Friday 10-6, and Saturday 10-4pm.
Heather is helping at the show today, Thursday, so if you stop by make sure to say hello to her.  

If you see anything in the photos you are interested in, it may not be sold so e-mail us and we'll let you know.

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